
Medical Policy

Medical Policy

Our school greatly promotes the health of our pupils. A child who is not well does not benefit from school and can adversely affect the health of other children. If you have doubts about your child’s health, please keep your child at home or contact a doctor.

No child is allowed to come to class or stay in class when the following symptoms are present:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Body rash with fever
  • Sore throat with fever and swollen glands
  • Eye discharge or pink eye
  • Head lice or nits
  • Severe coughing
  • Yellow skin or eyes
  • A child with discoloured discharge from the nose or extreme congestion causing difficulty in breathing.
  • Fever within the last 24 hours
  • Failure to comply with the mandated health examination and immunization requirements.
  • Children must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.


  • Our school nurse cannot administer medications to any child without a written statement from the doctor stating the name, time and amount to be given.
  • Parents must complete the parent consent form for Administration of Medications and a Medication Chart will be kept in the child’s file.
  • All medications must be kept in the original container and labelled, noting the child’s name, the medication name, recommended dosage, the time intervals for administration expiration date and the prescriber’s name. With the exception of prescription allergy and asthma medications, medicine will not be administered on an as-needed basis. A specific time must be indicated on the authorization form.

Medication will be stored according to the instructions on the label, kept beyond the reach of children and returned to the parents when no longer needed. We encourage all medication, including over the counter (OTC) drugs to be administered at home unless the drug is necessary for the student’s wellbeing and the ability to function in school.

Medication will be given at school only upon receipt of a completed and signed medical authorization form.

The medicine will be kept in the sick bay and will be dispensed according to the doctor’s and parent’s instructions.

Medication must be in a container with the pharmacy label that has the student’s name, name of medication, date prescription was filled and directions clearly marked.

Teachers are NOT allowed to dispense medication in the classroom. All medications must be given by the School Nurse.


  • Minor injuries will be given First Aid attention by a qualified staff member or the school nurse.
  • In the event of a medical emergency or accident, you will be contacted using the information on the emergency card.


If a child does not feel well, he/she will not do well in school. Therefore, it is in the best interest of teachers to ensure that only healthy children are permitted in the classroom.

In an effort to protect the general health and well-being of students, staff and the school community at large, the school will deny the attendance of students with infectious or communicable diseases which may spread rapidly and broadly throughout the school. Early detection and treatment are essential to controlling the disease and health of the students and staff.

The school uses the estate clinic for students and staff.

The timelines for a student’s return to school for treating communicable diseases are listed below:

  • Chicken pox: student must stay home for seven (7) days from first appearance of eruption (pox).
  • Common Cold: Student must stay home if temperature is over 38oc degrees.
March 2025
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